Sunday, January 6, 2013

Cleansing/Happy New Year!

I'm tired of my spirit not being what it was, so you know what? Fuck the bad shit. Fuck the negative shit. Fuck all the shit that I don't need. Life's too short to spend it wallowing in depression without a fight. I'm gonna officially ring in the new year by purging myself of all the shadow in my heart. Yeah, I'm not gonna be perfectly spunky and cheerful all the time, but I'm gonna try, damn it! What's the point in letting stuff get to me? I don't see one. So say hello to the return of the upbeat bitch who started this blog! She's been taking her sweet time coming back, but now that she's here she's gonna stick around for a long time. Get used to her or get lost.  Cuz she ain't got the time for it. [blows a kiss] Peace, ya'll! I got fun shit to do.

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