Friday, July 13, 2012

Becki Becki Becki

You know that feeling when you just happen to fall into a conversation with someone and suddenly feel like you've been friends forever? That's how it felt when I talked to Becki for the first time. Becki is a hilarious person whose name I love to say because it's magic and unfreezes my TL. (Don't worry if that doesn't make sense to you. It's not supposed to. As long as she gets it.)

Becki is the kind of person that will go out of her way just to see her friends happy. She's the kind of person who does her best to share happiness with her loved ones. These are qualities I really admire, especially since they seem to be getting rarer.

I love having Becki as a friend. It's always exciting when I see her pop up on my TL She's an awesome person who strives to do her best. (And she's an awesome RPer.) You should go check her out and see what I'm talking about. You can find her on @The_Walking_Amy.

Happy 21st birthday, Becki! (If I spelled your name wrong, get over it. My love should be enough for you! [laughs])

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