Tuesday, March 20, 2012


I need to work on my sleep habits.


Yeah right.

Anyway, I feel like I should post something before I go to sleep. It's a useless post with no meaning, but it's -my- blog so get over it.

What should I talk about?

Almost fell in the shower tonight. Well, I did fall. What I -almost- did was crack open my skull. Almost. I'm still alive.

Ok, now what? I have nothing interesting to say.

Says the girl who's been accepted to almost every college she's applied to. Just waiting to hear back from the last one. If I'm accepted there then I've been accepted everywhere I applied. Which doesn't help me at all. (lol) Cuz now I'm stuck between whether I want distance or to go with my friend. Decisions, decisions, right? Prolly would be frowned upon to flip a coin in this situation.

Is that enough of a post? Yes? No?

Doesn't matter what you think, actually. I'm tired so that's all you're getting.

Gopjaeng iya! (lol out of place lyrics ftw)


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