Friday, March 23, 2012

A Real Bitch

A real bitch doesn't have to constantly assert the idea that she's a bitch by saying it EVERY FUCKING SECOND. A real bitch knows what she is and really doesn't give a shit. And since she doesn't give a shit, she wouldn't feel the need to constantly say, "I'm a bitch. So what?"
I have been putting up with this shit for months and can't stand it anymore. Every time I see it I think, "If you came toe to toe with -me- for half a second, I'd be happy to show you what a real bitch is."
It's damn hard to keep my mouth shut. Know why I do? Because although I can be a bitch, I know what is and what isn't worth my time. I'm smart.
That being said, I don't know which is worse: a wanna-bitch or a dumb bitch?

Ok. I'm done. Had to get it off my chest. Now I feel a little better.

Have a nice day!

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