*clears throat* Now that that's done with, I'm procrastinating while trying to get through this cd my big bro bought me. It's not bad per se, but the amount of autotune is
killing me! It's from a guy I like, but I'm suffering over here. I prefer the guy when he actually sings in Japanese, not this "I've conformed to hip hop American talk-singing" in English shit. (Pardon my language. My fuse has been getting shorter and shorter so my mouth is quick to cuss.) So far only one song is palatable. When this is over, I'm totally blaring some MBLAQ.
Probably, you have no idea who MBLAQ is. That's ok. But you're missing out. (lol I'm pimpin' them a lil bit right hurr!)
Seriously, the music video for "This is War" is what inspired me to write the story in my "Valeria" blog. It's some powerful shizz fo sho. I love Joon and CheonDoong! Ever since the first time I watched the vid I fell in love and now watch/listen to it everyday. EVERYDAY. Of course, it helps that the group is made up of cuties and hotties. (I regret nothing about that sentence.) The outfits though... I just want ONE video where they wear only cool stuff. Not one cool outfit and two others that make me go "WTF HAPPENED IN THE WARDROBE DEPARTMENT?! WERE THEY ALL SMOKIN' CRACK?!" (That might be hyperbole, but whatever.) For example, it looks like whoever made G.O's outfit went out and attacked a vulture for its feathers. Seriously. Take a look. I know you know how to use Google. I'll wait.
See?! And I'm pretty sure Joonie stole feathers from those crows in the first Power Rangers movie. (I'm being mean, but I do it with love.) I think the only one's I can really deal with throughout the whole video are SeungHo and Mir. (Mir's my bias, but that doesn't mean I won't tear apart his stupid outfits. Like those shorts from "Mona Lisa?" Don't even get me started.)
I have no idea why I wrote all this. I was bored. Sue me. But don't cuz I'm poorer than dirt. But if you wanna give me money feel free to.
Well, it's passed 11 now so I should get to work. Hopefully I can be asleep before midnight tonight. Wish me luck homies!