Saturday, February 9, 2013

Better Than a Hero

There is no such thing as perfection. There are no heroes. But there are good people, great people. These are people who make life worth living. People who shine their light at the darkest of times. People who remind the rest of us why we go on. People who fight with everything they have and refuse to give up. They are not perfect. They are not what we think of when we hear the word "hero." No. They are something so much more. They are better. They are like us. They suffer and they struggle. They have bad days and they don't always succeed. They are human and yet far more than what they may seem at first glance. The world needs these people. I need these people. Sometimes the weight of our burdens overpowers us. Sometimes we wonder why we keep trying. Sometimes it doesn't seem worth the effort. But then you see those people. You see the ones that have a strength you didn't know existed. They are better than heroes. They're real. They're beside you. They can understand you just as you understand them. I know one of them. He is more than he realizes. He means more than he realizes. He's my precious and irreplaceable friend. I lllll him.